Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre
T: (+39)3497972768
Office & Management 
Artistic Direction
Giulia Staccioli

Stages and Courses

Amateur Courses, Stages and Workshops

Pre Professional Katakló

It is an introductory course aimed at all young people who cannot yet attend the three-year training course in Professional Athletic Theatre for study reasons or because they cannot move to Milan, but have the desire to study Kataklò subjects on a professional level with the academy’s teachers in order to be able to access them in the future.


Kataklò periodically organizes on site, under the artistic direction of Giulia Staccioli, workshops and laboratories for the study of acrobatic disciplines applied to dance and theater, aimed at dancers, gymnasts, acrobats and federal athletes who wish to develop or complete the figure of the dancer-acrobat.


Do you want to get to know Kataklò Academy up close and experience the subjects of the educational program in person? We look forward to seeing you in Milan this summer in a class with Academy teachers.
The disciplines: Acrobatics, Aerial Dance, Contemporary Acrobatic Partnering, Floorwork, Ground Bar, Props.
July 10-14, 2023 – 5 days for 3 classes per day.

Off-Campus Internships

Kataklò organizes throughout Italy, workshops for the study of acrobatic disciplines applied to dance. Athletes and dancers who grew up in gyms, schools, locker rooms and arenas finally have the chance to experience theatricality and the size of the stage.
Content and duration of internships are agreed with applicant schools/companies, based on the level and age of participants.

Amateur Courses

Courses in Acrobatics, Aerial Techniques and Kataklò method: Katakids, Katamix, Katanext, Aerial Dance. Book your free trial lesson.

Open Day

L’Accademia Professionale Kataklò apre le sue porte agli aspiranti allievi con una giornata dedicata alla presentazione dell’offerta formativa, degli insegnanti e della struttura.




Hearing on Friday September 13 2024

Method & Purpose

Accredited Kataklò teachers guide participants through technical and artistic training developed and elaborated by the company over Athletic Theatre’s 15 years of experience in the international arena.

The purposes are many: from enhancing the expressive aspect of one’s discipline, to reinventing oneself as a performer to build a different professionalism, enhancing acquired skills and reworking them in an artistic-theatrical way.

Content and duration of internships are agreed with applicant schools/companies, based on the level and age of participants.


Contact Us

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    Kataklò Academy Giulia Staccioli
    Via Tertulliano, 70 20137 Milan, Italy

    T: (+39)3497972768

    Office & Management
